• Reveals real time of air and food temperature
  • Easy to read
  • No power or maintenance required
  • Warning symbol appears red only when immediate localized cabinet temperature rises above the preset activation point

Chillcheck and Hot-Zone

Chillcheck indicators incorporate specialist thermochromic liquid crystal technology and are specially developed to monitor the cold air and food temperatures in all parts of supermarket chiller and freezer cabinets, and walk-in cold rooms and freezers.

These indicators quickly identify specific faults such as localized temperature problems and warm spots within a refrigeration cabinet. They are also used in conjunction with alarm or remote computerized temperature monitoring systems, where localized problems often do not show up. These can include blocked air grills, disrupted cold air curtain, airflow blocked or disrupted by food products, overfilled cabinets or icing up. These temperature indicators allow immediate action to be taken before food temperatures have risen above maximum limits.

Used by commercial food outlets such as supermarkets, these thermometers are used to monitor food storage temperatures allowing you to meet Food Safety Requirements and HACCP Guidelines.

Instructions for use:

  • Place a chiller / freezer monitor at regular intervals along shelf edge strip or other positions
  • Check regularly if chiller / freezer monitor remains black, temperature is still correctly below activation point
  • If chiller / freezer monitor turns red, it is a warning that the storage temperature is too warm

The Hotzone monitor is used for checking cabinets where hot cooked food is required to be kept at specific required temperatures. Examples include cooked food cabinets within supermarkets, restaurants, shops, bakeries, bars, school kitchens, hospitals and other food establishments where hot cooked food is stored. In addition, irreversible temperature labels are available which indicate the top temperature reached in cooking or storage.

Instructions for use:

  • Place the Hotzone bracket onto the middle of an upper shelf within the hot food cabinet
  • If the indicator remains black, the temperature is correctly above 63°C
  • If the indicator reveals a 63 symbol, the temperature has fallen below 63°C

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