WarmMark QR FAQs
What is WarmMark QR and how does it work?
WarmMark QR is a single use time temperature sensor utilizing a wax melt technology that indicates time spent over a particular temperature threshold. WarmMark is sensing temperature throughout the shipment (but not recording and storing any data – it doesn’t have batteries or electronics!). When scanned, and the sensor analyzed, the scanning cell phone transmits the information captured to the shipper’s cloud account and simultaneously displays condition information to the recipient/scanner. WarmMark is designed to make better, safer cold chains for patients and shippers!
The WarmMark has pink/red in the window… what do I do?
Reach out to the sender of the shipment that your WarmMark was included with.
What if the WarmMark is difficult to analyze with my device?
Try rotating the WarmMark slightly when within the black box on the vision system scanning page, especially in low light or high glare conditions. If the WarmMark won’t scan seek better lighting. Finally, the vision system has a “flash” button, appearing as a lighting symbol, in the top right corner which can be of assistance in certain lighting conditions.
When does the WarmMark QR provide information about a shipment?
When it is scanned. At the time of the scanning process, geo-location, time and date, time zone, sensor serial number and condition are automatically recorded in the cloud (and condition shown to the recipient/scanner).
Does each person in our shipping and quality group need to create an account?
No. It is recommended to create one account and add users rather than creating separate accounts. This way the whole team can see the same information in the cloud since sensors cannot be added to multiple cloud accounts. If a separate account is created all together, each account will only see what is added to it specifically.
To add a new user, you can: Hover on the control panel on the left side -> Admin -> Users -> +Add User
Each person can have their own unique login to your cloud account.
Who sees the information WarmMark QR provides?
The recipient of the WarmMark, otherwise known as the person doing the scanning, will see the sensor serial number and condition. The shipper will have remote access to all other data derived from a scan.
If a recipient receives a WarmMark QR which is showing a bad condition, and scans it multiple times, won’t that skew the data in my cloud?
No. Once a sensor has been scanned as bad, we do not collect any further data from subsequent scans.
Do I have to record the serial number of a tag before I use it in a shipment?
No. That step would only be necessary if you wish to tie the unique ID (serial number) of that WarmMark to a particular shipping document or system. Otherwise, simply drop the sensor into your shipment and your cloud will show you when it is scanned good or bad. If it doesn’t get scanned for some reason, the shipment condition will remain neutral and appear as “–“ in the shipment condition column. You may elect to scan the WarmMark before sending off for shipment to obtain an origin data point and good condition but know that this will show in on your dashboard as a unit scanned and contribute to ‘No Excursions’ data in the WarmMark Shipments chart.